Trump the Chauvinist President ... We are reserved

By Khaldun A. Alqaisi

Today 20th January 2017, Donal J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America. His Deputy Pence was also sworn in as Vice-president in Washington.

I have heard and read about a lot of many people who dislike Trump's views with regard to a large host of issues. 

Watch live: The inauguration of Donald Trump
                                                             Courtesy CNN website image

Today, I was also struck by Donald's speech at the inauguration ceremony, the one speech which sustained the same rhetoric and looked more as a propaganda of a presidential candidate than formal and sworn-in president. I think Donald was not fully aware yet that he became the president or he may not be smart enough.

Donald's speech was very general, boring, and lacked essence, he broke with the tradition long-maintained practice of the US presidents at such events. I guess many people who listened to the same felt sick of the same dull empty slogans and mantras that Donald's kept saying over and over again. Those who listened to the speech walk out with a belief that they listened to disgusting chauvinist, not the President of the most influential country in the world.

But we have to wait and see, this man may have a very good intent, we should avoid judging him before he actually executes his mandate. Maybe he hides a very affectionate heart behind this grim face that rarely smiles from the heart. All over the past months, I built up the feeling that this man's smiles are artificial, not sincere probably. Maybe because he was not popular at winning the presidential elections.

Everybody noticed that Obama was uncomfortable, why? I would say because he is leaving and because he is transferring power to his political foe. 

What is important to me is how the new president will treat the Palestinian issue. Will he contribute to the stability of my region or will he fuel the violence and instability here? We cannot judge the man because he is unpredictable but the signaled in the past that he would work entirely in favor of Isreal.

Back to the speech; it is full of promises and slogans, this is not realistic nor factual ... 

But I have to confess somethingp; early of the presidential campaign, my colleague and I were sympathizers of this man, I was so because I did not want to see the same face "Clinton" again for years. But I changed my mind later after the extremist statements of this president especially with regard to my region. My colleague still a staunch supporter and sympathizer of him. 

Anyway, as non-American, I say that the issue of the presidency is purely American internal matter, and I hope that our friendship with the American people continue and become stronger by time. and I am looking forward to a friendship of the same level and fairness that of that of Israel's. The USA is a friend of Arabs too and should not favor one friend over another. No for double standards.



  1. This is a sincere thank-you to the readers in the USA who makes the majority of the readership


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