France moves in Mali

France started air strikes by its powerful jet aircrafts evening before yesterday, I was searching the channels when I suddenly came across the news as I speak French since long time.

The French officials tried to justify France's intervention in Mali, the French president said in a televised speech that his country was solicited by Malian regime to help crack down on the rebel fighters in South of Mali, and that  his country acts in line with resolutions of the Security Councils, the Islamist fighters  follow very strict version of Islam.

Earlier the Islamist rebels in Mali started what they said is a "campaign" to destroy all the old graves (enlisted as a world heritage) in Mali in order to prevent Muslim peasants from venerating such places, a thing that goes against the instructions of the religion. They also declared an independent state in southern Mali but later on they gave up "the state" due to tremendous international pressure.

France has many burdens and particularly economic hardships and its economy has been shrinking over the last decade because of various international factors, and the unemployment has risen sharply in comparison to the days before the international financial crisis. All that means that France is going to risk its economy and security by going into war in Africa for long time and if it does not eliminate the threat there forever.

If French succeed in the fight in minimum time possible, then this will be in its favor but if things get worse, the war will last longer and will not be decisive. However, if France wins then I expected it will be achieve a considerable boost to France's economy and international relations.

France needs also to confront the rebels inside its territories if they decide to strike back. But this option will not be frightening because the facilities to the armed people in France should be very limited.

Khaldun Qaisi


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