What am I thinking of these days?

Thoughts of someone

The first thing I would like to say is that I do not follow news since I went into vacations late August up until today. The reason being is that I am most of the time busy with my own domestic business which consists of many small chores. It is a personal rather than public business.

Months ago, I used to occasionally listen to the news of the war in Syria and decided to side with those opposed to the regime in Syria, not for sectarian reasons at all, and I also was very dismayed by Iran's interference and influence in the region. But eventually, we can say with absolute certainty that the Syrian regime is winning, on almost all fronts, militarily and politically both inside and outside the country.

I have been trying very hard to grasp the motives that lead Russians to become that deeply involved in the civil war in Syria; Russia has never been so immersed in a war in the Middle East like this time. But of course, analysts and observers know very well what Russia is looking for ...

Russians themselves know exactly what they want from Syria. Nevertheless, I can confidently say that the fact that the extremist groups have Chechen rebels amongst them as members should be a sufficient justification for the Russian intervention. In addition to the alliance with Iran and the lukewarm relationship with the United States.

Ignoring the political and regional matters when thinking of writing is a very difficult thing to do; we are very affected by the big and society issues. Our relationship with the world especially the US and Russia and the EU is determined and decided about considering the regional big affairs. Apart from trade with and cultural influence of the West and the Far East (Japan and China), we attach importance to the political relationship more. Why? Maybe the most evident reason is Israel and its geopolitical requirements.

Now, let me steer away from the same usual rhetoric and speak briefly about Jordanians' very noticeable habit which relates to their incessant criticism of their Government for whatever decision it would make; we are obsessed with undermining our politicians for nothing.

But hold on a second! I should stress the fact that our people is living a hard life now with increasing daily needs. This may, however, be attributed to the some of the hasty and often unwise policies.


By Khaldun Alqaisi
07, Oct 2016


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