Writing is sometimes risky Job in some countries

I think many times before writing especially about politics and regimes related-subjects. Politics has been a controversial topic in the Arab States since long time ago and after the fall of the Ottoman empire early in the past century. In fact, Arab States are the most unstable states after some African countries. The apparent stability and calm in the streets of the Arab States is deceiving and unreal.

One-man rule and dictatorship are some of the Arab regimes' main traits, leaders are elected forever or until they are buried, yet their sons must take over then with no regard to democracy or the rule of people self-determination.

Politics in our region (Asian part of the Arab State) is not developed enough like in other advanced and mature governments in Europe and the United States of America. There, Heads of States are not willing to listen to opposing views, if we suppose that there is a serious and organised opposition.

Arab regimes have strong allies in the United States and Europe and Russia ...etc. But the Arab people do not necessarily find in these countries a true allies because of many reasons including primarily US indefectible support to Israel despite Israel's many aggressions on and bad treatment of Palestinian people who have been under Israeli occupation since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that such unconditional support is the main cause of animosity between the US foreign policy and the Arab public opinion.

Other issues that poison the relationship between the West and the Arab States concern US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan in the last decade, such irresponsible acts backfired, and America found itself in a very complicated quagmire in the region.

Also, we should not forget the US tacit support of authoritarian Arab rulers whose popularity are very low in the street including ex-egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, Al Ghaddafi, and Bashar Al Assad.

We should not have any issue with the American people but we strongly oppose the US foreign policy which follows double standards policy when it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Luckily, the world has made up their mind and we started to hear about Palestinian State that should live side by side with the Israel.

I would also like to add that the US had better stop meddling in the Arabs' affairs particularly when each time the Arab summit is held, the US administration should not oppose any Arab project that aims at unity and solidarity among Arabs. In this regard, It must not use financial aids as an instrument to foil any Arab attempt to agree on bilateral cooperation that does not necessarily consider US interest in the region.


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