The Dilemma of COVID-19

The spread of the virus/pandemic is not a new phenomenon to humanity; the world witnessed worse circumstances than today’s.

What is striking is that in early February 2020, nobody in the world expected that the pandemic would affect billions of people around the globe to such an extent a month later.

I remember when my wife and I were watching TV reports end of February 2020 about how #China was doing to hamper the spread of the contagious pandemic which first started in the Chinese province of #Wuhan. We were praying for the Chinese people to stay safe.

Another interesting development in relation to Corona as the news about the virus was circulated from China, media reported cases of racism and abuse of which Chinese or Asian expatriates were targets around the world. These were stigmatized and accused of spreading Coronavirus.

Today and since mid-March, almost everyone on earth bears the brunt like never before. Some people already contracted the virus and are being taken care of, others lost their bread and butter, and many others have been locked to their domicile for almost more than a month so far and the matter has just started, presumably.

Within a few days, we will be in May, we started to hear many voices worldwide calling for ease of the measures taken by Governments, hence, authorities started to gradually lift the lockdown and extend time outside the curfew.

The question is until when big industries can bear such a situation? I mean in particular the hardest–hit industries mainly aviation and other sectors such as hotels and restaurants. Governments should think seriously now of other ways to tackle the Covid-19 bearing in mind that the lockdown cannot go on longer. People are required to abide by strict safety arrangements including, but not limited to, wearing masks and keeping the physical distance.

It has become clear enough that authorities all over the world coordinate and act together not only through the World Health Organization who alone cannot fight everywhere but also there is close cooperation between security and intelligence services.

The Corona pandemic is not only taken as a public health issue but as a national security matter. We saw the military deployed in the streets.

Nevertheless, Corona inflicted significant economic damages on many including the laborers paid on a daily basis without a monthly salary. This segment of society often goes unnoticed. The lockdown has been a devastating development that none wants to experience. On one hand, tens of thousands of expatriates are stranded around the world. Some governments exploited the situation to get rid of those people who, by the majority, are legal residents. On the other hand, countries of origin shut down their airports and borders and therefore denied their own citizens entry.

Finally, the world should come together and exert the needed efforts to stop the pandemic and the relevant measures should be loosened so that people can return to normal life gradually.


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