Why Politics?

Why politics?

A question that I posed to  myself, this morning, trying to find out why we, in the Arab States, are preoccupied by politics most of the time? While in other nations, politics is of a secondary importance.

In Arab States, we live a political instability because of corrupt politics and because policy does not help people surmount day to day challenges.
Politicians in our states are not genius, and they do not think of everybody or rather everyone in their country. There is a political deficiency and malaise somewhere.

We become very proud when one of our relatives assumes a public position, governing brings honor to the family of the elected or rather appointed person.
But we should be frank and honest; our region is not stable because of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land and disproportionate excessive use of force.
Paradoxically, we fear to talk about politics and criticize his majesty or his / her royal highness …

I am of the view which says that public should care about their daily living rather than drawing policies, but wait a second. This trend does not work anymore today. People should and must take part in the decision-making process so that they become involved and responsible for the consequences. Getting people engaged is not an easy task, many people are not easily convinced but we should provide them with incentives and motivate them and encourage them to avoid passivity.

I believe there is nothing called civilizations clash and conflict, but there is arrogance and tyranny wherever in the world. Humans are not the same in relation to their talents, skills and innovation.

Ideologies clash but people, as human being, do not. So if we succeed in turning the people's thinking we can improve the world and make it more peaceful.
I strongly believe that Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands is an unprecedented menace to the world peace. It is time to end occupation once and for all.

Today, I cannot believe US official and their talk about human rights and democracy. Palestinian people are under occupation since decades and US supports Israel use of excessive force against civilians. How you defend human rights and democracy around the world and deny this inherent and basic right to Palestinians???


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