Sometimes, I wonder why we, in Arab States, hate the foreign policy of the United States of America, and I realize that the US politics are the main cause for hatred and animosity. Less than a decade ago, the United States occupied Iraq under the pretext that Saddam Hussein of Iraq was developping nuclear and chemical weapons. This allegation turned a fallacy and nonesense. The War on Iraq and Afghanistan harmed the US economy and the world's economy as a whole, more that 7 thousand American soldiers and civilians were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, allied countries also lost hundreds of soldiers. needless to mention the huge financial burdens incurred by both wars. I am sure both main allies the United States and Britain regret the war especially against Iraq. Saddam has been an emblematic leader for many of Arabs in the Middles East and North Africa, and other peoples who aspire for freedom. Saddam Hussein had a vision and a plan to unite the Arab states even by using forc...